
Fighting, and Diplomacy

Sacha showing a late raspberry he has just found.
Arriving for the music lesson in the Château du Pin
October is nearly here, but it has been almost uncomfortably hot today.  I had to be at the school for 13h45 as I was once again accompanying the class to the Galérie Sonore,  for their second music lesson of the year. The little girls of Louis' class looked lovely and cool in their sundresses or smart shorts. The boys looked great in their colourful shirts. What a shame that in a few years' time it'll be  a uniform of jeans and dark tops, day in, day out.

Today's lesson was in the Brazilian room, with some very unusual instruments to try out: things to scrape, rattle, and slap. Plus a little chanting.

Louis has been in his first fight : the little American gave him a bash "for no reason,"  and he has a red mark on his leg.  The teacher says that Louis was in no way to blame....When François and I went to collect the children at 16h45, François had a word with the child. He apparently told him that the next time that he hurt Louis, he would have HIM to deal with.
"You said that in English, I hope, as he can't speak a word of French" said I.
François looked surprised. "No, I didn't.  But anyway, by the look on his face, I know that he understood."

1 comment:

  1. No one messes with hard-as-nails Papy, You sould bring the boy over to see him do ironing on his bit of wood. Problems would end right there.
