Sacha showing a late raspberry he has just found. |
Arriving for the music lesson in the Château du Pin |
Today's lesson was in the Brazilian room, with some very unusual instruments to try out: things to scrape, rattle, and slap. Plus a little chanting.
Louis has been in his first fight : the little American gave him a bash "for no reason," and he has a red mark on his leg. The teacher says that Louis was in no way to blame....When François and I went to collect the children at 16h45, François had a word with the child. He apparently told him that the next time that he hurt Louis, he would have HIM to deal with.
"You said that in English, I hope, as he can't speak a word of French" said I.
François looked surprised. "No, I didn't. But anyway, by the look on his face, I know that he understood."
No one messes with hard-as-nails Papy, You sould bring the boy over to see him do ironing on his bit of wood. Problems would end right there.