
Getting into the swing

Sacha is such  a good morning person. We put out the clothes he chooses the night before, and he gets dressed in no time. Louis needs a lot of chivvying to stop talking, and concentrate on the job in hand.
French is always spoken at table, of course, because otherwise, how could Papy understand what we are saying? They are learning words for different foods, and different ways of holding knives and forks. Baguette and butter are great hits, and so have to be rationed when there are other things to eat.
I have found a website giving the school meal menus : yesterday it was melon, goulash de dinde, riz créole, vache qui rit, cocktail de fruits.Today, it's a cheese pastry starter, followed by filet of fish in mustard sauce, sautéed carrots, fruit yoghourts and a peach.
Nick, the children's Dad, came today to take them to Spain for a wedding. He was able to come with us to pick them up from school.
Hello Papa
At the station

While Nick was greeting Sacha, I had a word with his teacher who told me that he had at last accepted to have a siesta, but  had  "played the clown! " She has the impression that he may be "a bit of a pickle!" Well, just fancy that.  But the good news is that he is settling in very well and joining in with the activities. I am so relieved that he is not suffering as he was on the first days. He still has a weep for his Mum just before he goes to sleep, but we can usually divert his attention before it becomes a full-blown howl. After the train had left, François and I went and had a nice cooling drink in the park (It is very hot today.) It will be a quiet weekend for us :  they are not due back until 7.30pm on Sunday.


  1. School dinners sound a lot nicer than mine! :)

  2. Any reader who remembers pre-Jamie English school dinners wouldn't believe what French children are offered.

  3. I certainly remember the smell of school Greens!!!

    Thank you so much Helen for keeping us posted and for the super photos, it's a real treat xxxxxxxx
