
A Day off School

(Yesterday, Monday.) We didn’t take the children to school today. They clearly needed some time just to take it easy, so I told them that it would be Mamie’s school today. The French school was perfectly sympathetic.                     
I went through Louis’ reading and comprehension book with him, and was  pleased with his very creditable attempts at joined-up handwriting. In his English school he was still printing. Sacha meanwhile went into the garden to help Papy sweep up the leaves.  Afterwards it was his turn : of course he is too little for homework, but he mustn’t stop reading in English, especially as he still hasn’t  really got the hang of it. No worries about Louis’ forgetting : he has discovered the store of children’s books that I have been jealously hoarding for all these years, and he has his nose in a book at every spare moment .
Then they lay on the carpet and we practiced the instructions that they need for swimming : " on your backs  /fronts, face under water, kick your feet," etc.

After lunch, I sloped off to Aquagym, and the children went to their bedroom for a rest while Papy had his siesta.

They had plenty of time to mess around, tease each other, and generally wind down. I played them a " Story Teller " tape  and we read another chapter of  The Magic Wishing Chair Again. What joy : the copy of  My Naughty Little Sister  stories I had ordered  from Amazon  has already arrived. We left that until the evening.  Sacha feels that he has found a kindred soul in this terrible child, and beams knowingly as the adventures unfold.  

Papy  accompanied us to Géant in the afternoon, to buy some magnetic letters and a magnetic board to help Sacha with his reading. We had to dash back, as at 17h45 Selma (aged 15 ) from next door was coming to do some work with Louis, while Sacha and I discovered the various magnetic letters.  Selma will be coming for half an hour every Monday and Thursday. She is delighted as it is pocket money for her ,and I can cast an eye on her English homework before she leaves. Louis works to impress her, and I have some time alone with Sacha.

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