
Satchels and shining morning faces

No longer unwillingly
Yet another beautiful sunny day.  The boys are getting the hang of this mornng business. Papy drops us off in good time of course.  Parking is tricky so near to the town centre, so the boys and I get quickly out of the car in front of the school and then he roars off and leaves the place for someone else.  I enjoy walking home, and usually pick up some shopping on the way. Louis' satchel is sometimes quite heavy, so I am glad that he only has to carry it down the passage and into his classroom.

This afternoon, Louis' class were taken around old Angers in the little street-train. The tourist season is slackening off, and I expect that it is not so crowded now. He said that there were some grown-ups not connected with his school in one of the carriages.

After Selma's homework visit, we played a nice new game that I have bought, where pictures have to be jigsaw-ed in with  initial  letters.( X for xylophone etc.) For this, they first had to learn the words , (all 26 of them,) so François was roped in as a model. They both repeated the words beautifully, which gave Sacha a tremendous boost, as he is very aware that he "is STILL not talking Fench." He doesn't realise that he is understanding more and more.

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