

When  I dropped off the children this morning, Gaelle, a mother who had also accompanied the children to the picnic, invited the children to play next week! She has a boy in Louis' class called Hugo, and one in Sacha's class, Adrien. I  was delighted, as they are lovely children.
Tomorrow, Joséphine from Walthamstow, who now lives in Nantes, is coming to play in the afternoon. I wonder which language they will be speaking....
The interview with Sacha's teacher went very well. She gave me some of the little songs and poems that he is learning, so that I can tell him what they are about. She says that he loves talking to her in English, and apparently recognises her authority as he is always calm and well behaved, which is not always the case with the teaching assistants! He is beginning to have contact with the other children, especially a little half-Polish girl. He repeats words and phrases very well when he is asked to. But the teacher is worried that he is spending the day not understanding anything. I, however, have noticed that he understands much  more than he lets on, even though he is not yet speaking in French.. This morning, he gave me a hug, then walked into the classroom and SMILED at the teacher before giving her the obligatory morning kiss! What progress from the sobs of the first two days.
2 Africans
As they were so tired last night, we decided to do shower and pyjamas BEFORE supper. This was a good ploy, and I think we might continue with it. As their dressing gowns have not yet arrived, François tied their new blankets "like Africans." Apparently this is wonderful.

1 comment:

  1. WONDERFUL blog, Helen, hearfelt congratulations! I am enjoying reading it every day and seeing the photos, you really allow us to share each day with you all, many thanks xxxxxxx I also looked up the Galerie Sonore. I can see that Angers has a great deal to offer, you're very lucky.
